Thursday, 14 February 2008

My Current Project

Well for about 3 months i've been working on an IDE mainly for scripting in the Messenger Plus Live add on for Windows Live Messenger. Its taking its time as i keep going back and redoing things to make it more flexible in the long run and quicker for me to update. Eventually it will become open source once i feel it is good enough and ready with tidy source code to be released.

Lately i've been adding some features to allow anyone to code up an interface object that they can add to a Form, this means in MPL's case i dont have to write the many many window objects myself i can leave it up to whoever wants to do it (as not all of them are used) and i can put them in with the install package if they are in perfect working order. So far with this i have everything coded apart from the parser that will read in a file and create the object from it and the class to add the object to the toolbox, So hopefully over the next few days that shall be finished. Then the rest is really just touch ups and its ready for its first major release i hope!

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