Thursday, 1 May 2008


Well i had a major leap forward today with the code. It's been the first I've touched it in a long time. I recently updated to C# 2008 and was considering coding it in WPF but thought that it was too much hassle...Basically since everything being recoded most of my dynamic class stuff has been scraped :( but i will keep it as it may come in handy at some time in the future (and it was a nice piece of code :D).

At the minute I'm trying to generate a form from an interface file(back to the start almost eh!). This time round everything will be easy peasy only problems i think i may hit are dialogue templates and any other multilayer type control!

Off to bed now, shall see if i have more time tomorrow to maybe get a small (i mean small) preview ;)

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Big step back...

Well i didn't have any time to write any code over the easter holidays (i couldn't be bothered more to the point). But i have started to recode the whole interface, and interface handlers from scratch to integrate some nice new features, I am already nearly finished the most of it and by the most of it i mean everything up to reading/writing/editing interfaces which shouldn't take to long to finish i hope, but i always say that :)

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

stroke of genious

After plenty of messing about with a few damn toolboxes that would never work i finally modded the old one, incorporating a new open source ListBox that allows me to use images in them :). After some more fiddling tonight/tomorrow night the toolbox shall be finished (hopefully)

Sunday, 9 March 2008

A quick update

Not much done this weekend, i've been looking at how to create a better toolbox and managed to find an open source one, only problem is integrating it because it dosnt have some of the needed properties and it doesn't inherit an IToolBoxService unfortunately which is pretty much needed. The plans for this week are therefore try and modify the open source toolbox to inherit it without any problems etc, or create a small hack to get around it or find another/write my own toolbox which im not really in favour of ;)

back to work...

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Window Objects Done!

Window objects and the creator are fully finished now, just have to take the time to move the code into the IDE and finish off a few last details before a beta (Y).

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Almost there

Didn't have much time to code anything this weekend but i have almost finished the Window Objects now, the only things left are to distinguish between a Control and an Element object. Once that's done it'll take maybe a week (at max i hope) to put it all finally into the IDE :D

Tuesday, 26 February 2008


Well as of my last post seems i've bitten off more than i can chew. Seems to be a lot more to write in this case than previously thought so it might be this weekend before i even get close to finishing the Interface Objects. Then may take up to a week to properly implement them into a releasable IDE.


Sunday, 24 February 2008

Interface Objects Done!!...Kinda

well i've finished the interface object creator to the standard i was originally aiming for, but today i had a better idea for a section of it as usual :(. So i'm going to go back and code it up, once thats done it'll make it easier for everyone to create an object and a bit easier for me to introduce into the main IDE.

So much work for something thats not going to be overly used...

Saturday, 23 February 2008

Interface Objects almost done

well the only thing left to do with the interface objects is to implement them into the IDE; That is creating some sort of dynamic toolbox for each object.

Other things left to be done on the To Do list:
-Allow opening of multiple tabbed windows for interfaces (only for code at the minute)
-Allow saving of each tab.
-Implement the XML interface reader correctly, it is currently running on my old static interface object format so this needs renewed to the nice new objects that can be created using the Interface Object Creator :).

apart from that theres a few small problems to overcome but once all that is listed is done there shall be a beta version out!

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Interface object creator

This little program will speed up the process of creating new XML files for window objects, its nearly done just need to write the XML writer and an XML reader for this file type. Don't worry the layout of the window will be fixed for a release

Thursday, 14 February 2008

My Current Project

Well for about 3 months i've been working on an IDE mainly for scripting in the Messenger Plus Live add on for Windows Live Messenger. Its taking its time as i keep going back and redoing things to make it more flexible in the long run and quicker for me to update. Eventually it will become open source once i feel it is good enough and ready with tidy source code to be released.

Lately i've been adding some features to allow anyone to code up an interface object that they can add to a Form, this means in MPL's case i dont have to write the many many window objects myself i can leave it up to whoever wants to do it (as not all of them are used) and i can put them in with the install package if they are in perfect working order. So far with this i have everything coded apart from the parser that will read in a file and create the object from it and the class to add the object to the toolbox, So hopefully over the next few days that shall be finished. Then the rest is really just touch ups and its ready for its first major release i hope!